Hey everyone!! So sorry that this week is going to just be a little
lame email. I don't have hardly any time because of transfers and all
of that. I will write a more detailed email about this last week in
this next week's email, but I just wanted to talk about a few of the
big things that happened!!
So as some of you might know, I was transferred from my beloved West
Point :( I was so sad to go. I am excited, though, because I've been
transferred to Poughkeepsie. It's a really good place, so far! My
companions name is Elder Unice. So far, he's a pretty interesting
guy...in a good way :). He's a little quirky but he's funny and we're
hitting it off well!
So on Friday, Mara was baptized!! It was so good! I'll talk more about
it next week.
On Saturday, we had Elder Cook from the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
come and speak to us. That was one of the coolest things to ever
happen to me!! He gave such amazing thoughts and insights into
missionary work and the Savior. The Spirit in that meeting was so
strong and it really increased my testimony of Christ and of
modern-day apostles.
Mara's baptism

Grand Central Station
Me and the homies...I look puny!! Not that I'm very big...but these
guys are VERY big haha. These are all the prepsters that are friends
with Mara and Toese. They were all big parts of helping those two gain
guys are VERY big haha. These are all the prepsters that are friends
with Mara and Toese. They were all big parts of helping those two gain
Me and Cali
Sweaty and gross picture of us with that Poly family that we play
volleyball with. They are so awesome!! We played basketball afterwards
so that's why We're all disgusting haha.
volleyball with. They are so awesome!! We played basketball afterwards
so that's why We're all disgusting haha.
Me and the Platts with Jacob Fryer and our investigator Danielle (on the right)
Jammed my finger pretty good playing ball :/
Us and Suzie
Me and the Ridgeways (that Indian/British family I was telling you about)
Found this on our bedroom wall one night...I'm pretty sure it crawled
out of the depths of hell...
out of the depths of hell...
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