So this week has been quite hectic! To start, I just want to tell you
a miracle that happened to me recently! So...if any of you aren't
aware, I'm officially a clean freak about the apartments I live in.
Consistently, the first couple weeks I'm in a new apartment I end up
deep, deep cleaning it because missionaries (Elders) just have no idea
how to clean. Luckily I have a wonderful mommy who taught me how to
clean, despite my lack of it while I was home haha. So anyways, so as
I was deep cleaning our bathroom (my favorite because you feel so good
having a clean bathroom) I found this old Area Book from forever ago!
Like 3-7 years ago! Don't ask me why it was in the bathroom but it
was. So during weekly planning, me and Elder Moss looked through the
former investigators from way back when and picked out some of the
more promising! So we found a good solid list and then planned in
times when we could look them up. Some of them were from pretty
recently, so we tried to do those first. Well, while we were looking
them up, we went to this one apartment, knocked on the door, and no
one answered. So the next day, we had some extra time so we started
over with the people that didn't answer. Luckily we were right by her
apartment so we went and knocked on the door. This time, this older
lady answers the door. She seemed a little complacent that we were
there, but then as we were talking to her a SUPER pregnant girl comes
around the corner and was like, "oh my gosh! It's the Elders! I
totally found your card yesterday and was going to call it but then I
lost it somewhere! I'm so glad you're here!" So we talked to her and
totally set up for her to meet with the sisters! That was cool!
Inspiration! Haha Heavenly Father used my cleaning to re-find someone
So yeah, this week we had a cool service project with the stake. We
all put on the Helping Hands vests and went to work making the
Riverside Park on the West Side look better! There were a ton of
overgrown trees and bushed so they sent the Mormons to take 'em all
out and replant them!! It was a lot of fun being with trees and grass
amidst all the concrete and glass. I tell ha, if there's two things
Mormons are good at, it's cooking and yard work hahaha :)
So Greg has been super hard to get ahold of. We had a ward party last
Friday that we wanted him to go to, but he was working. We haven't
been able to see him since :( he takes like two stinkin days to
respond to texts and he won't ever answer his phone!! Ugh! But he's
still cool. He hasn't been like rude or told us he wasn't interested,
our schedules have just conflicted.
So because I'm the district leader, I have to interview each
companionship in my district every cycle. So this last Monday, we had
it with the two sisters in our Ward, Sisters Arquero and Holdaway.
They are so awesome!! I love them haha. Sister Arquero is this little
Pilipino girl that is HILARIOUS! She is deceptively evil inside ;)
haha just kidding. But yeah, so a member in our Ward gave us these
gift cards that totaled up to $100 for this famous BBQ in town. They
were like 8 years old, so he wasn't sure if they even worked, but he
said that if they did then we could have them! Awesome right?! So we
went and they ended up working! It was great! We got a TON of BBQ and
then took it to the church and feasted haha :D heaven!
So I also got to go on a split with Elder Nielson! My old companion!
I'm his district leader so we got to be together for a day. It was
fun! Definitely brought back a lot of memories. Got to go to the Southern tip of
the island in Alphabet City. It's where they live and it's
pretty....ghetto haha :)
Ummmmm....other than that, me and Elder Moss are still getting along
great! He's a great guy and I'm so glad that I'm able to be myself
with him. We're always trying to be better and it's been cool to see
the miracles in our lives. I hope all of you are able to have an
awesome week! Stay safe! Love you all! :)
-your missionary
Elder Stafford